Terengganu Inc regards sustainability as a way to maintain our profitability and competitiveness, both at present and in the future, while safeguarding our stakeholders, including our employees, clients, communities, and the environment. Terengganu Inc is committed to ensuring that business practices align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) principles.
While the SDGs provide a globally recognized framework for addressing societal and environmental challenges, the ESG principles will guide Terengganu Inc in integrating sustainability and ethical considerations into the operations to shape the corporate landscape and drive sustainable business practices. By embracing the SDGs and aligning with ESG principles, we can foster long-term growth, and enhance our resilience in the current dynamic environment.
Terengganu Inc demonstrates its strong commitment towards a decarbonized economy through the introduction of an ESG target for the Group on Renewable Energy.
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